
Kabang stopped a deadly motorcycle accident

In December 2011, Kabang leapt into the path of an oncoming motorcycle to stop it from hitting her owner's niece and teenage daughter and suffered horrific injuries in the process.
The girls were unhurt, but the dog lost her snout and the top part of her jaw in the ensuing accident. Miraculously, she survived, and recovered in an animal hospital in California for seven months. When she returned to the Philippines, she was greeted with a hero's welcome. 

Trakr found one of the last survivors of the 9/11 attacks

Trakr found one of the last survivors of the 9/11 attacks
AP Images/Stephen Chernin
Trakr was a police dog for six years in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and retired in May 2001. But on September 11th of the same year, Trakr and his trainer, Canadian police officer James Symington, came out of retirement. They drove 15 hours to Ground Zero to aid in the search and rescue efforts, and Trakr sniffed out Genelle Guzman, the last survivor of the attacks to be found in the rubble, according to TIME.
After two days of searching, the dog collapsed from smoke inhalation, exhaustion, and burns. He was later presented with the Extraordinary Service to Humanity Award by Dr. Jane Goodall, and died peacefully in 2009.

Eve saved her paraplegic owner

Kathie Vaughan was driving her truck one day when it began to fishtail, and when she pulled over, the cockpit began to fill with smoke. Kathie, a paraplegic, couldn't get herself out of the car, but she pushed her Rottweiler Eve out the door first.
Kathie was in danger of passing out when she felt Eve grab her leg with her jaws. The brave dog dragged her owner to safety ten feet away just before the truck burst into flames, according to Care2.

Toby stopped her owner from choking

Toby's owner was home alone when she began choking on a bite of her apple. After attempting to perform the Heimlich on herself in vain, the woman began pounding on her chest.
The two-year-old golden retriever took notice and jumped on his owners chest again and again until the piece of fruit dislodged. His owner believes her dog was attempting to perform his own version of the Heimlich, NBC News reported.

Buster alerted his owner that her husband was injured

Buster's owner, Michael, was recovering from an operation and was unable to climb the stairs at his home, so he was sleeping on the couch. Buster was sleeping upstairs with Michael's wife, Barbara, when he began barking for no apparent reason.
When Barbara realized Buster was barking in the direction of the bedroom door, she went to check on Michael and found that he had fallen and hit his face on a piece of furniture, breaking his glasses and sustaining serious eye injuries in the process, according to The Examiner. He was passed out and bleeding profusely, but Barbara was able to get Michael to the hospital immediately thanks to Buster.

True, who is blind and deaf, awoke his owner during a fire

True is blind, deaf, and only has 3 legs, but he saved his owner and her infant son from an electrical fire in their home. As Katie Crosley and her son Jace slept, an electrical short set their Oklahoma cabin aflame. They would have perished if not for True, who nudged his owner awake and led her and her son to safety, according to The Huffington Post.

Bear rescued a drowning toddler

Bear rescued a drowning toddler
Bear & Stanley
This black Labrador saved a 14-month-old boy from drowning when he fell into a backyard pool. Bear saw the young Stanley Drauch fall into his family's pool and dove in after him, deliberately keeping the toddler's head above the water on his back as he doggie paddled to stay afloat, MSN reported.
Stanley's mom Patricia came by searching for her son, only to find him floating on the back of their loyal dog. She's putting up a fence around the pool!

Lefty took a bullet for her owner

Lefty, a heroic pit bull, literally took a bullet to save her owner when intruders entered their Virginia home. After being shot in the shoulder at close range, she chased the intruders away, but eventually had to have her leg amputated.
Her family had been robbed so they couldn't afford her hospital expenses, but the community rallied for Lefty and managed to raise the funds needed for her surgery via a Facebook campaign. Today Lefty is doing well and "is trotting around like she's been a 3-legged dog her entire life!"

Pearl helped find victims of the Haiti earthquake

Pearl, a black lab, was abandoned at a shelter and picked up by volunteers from the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation, who trained her to be a search and rescue dog.
During the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, Pearl and her handler Ron searched for victims in the rubble and were able to rescue 12 people. In 2010, Pearl was honored by ASPCA as Dog of the Year.

Psycho saved a girl from a snake bite

Psycho, an unfortunately-named Chihuahua-Poodle mix, only weighs 10 pounds but didn't hesitate to jump between a venomous rattlesnake and his owner's granddaughter. The little girl was making mud pies in her grandmother's backyard in Hueco Tanks, Texas, when the snake approached, ready to strike, according to KCEN TV.
Psycho came to her rescue, but the snake bit him in the eye in the process. Although the wound was painful, Psycho's vet was able to save his eye. "He's my hero!" his owner said.


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